Sunday, October 7, 2012

Micheal Micheal, Motorcycle!

                                                                   The Bug   

Words cannot explain the joy I experience when I'm on two wheels. I've now had my motorcycle for a year and 4 months. There were many inspirations for me to own a bike, stemming as far back as childhood. My best friend growing up had a father who was a semi professional enduro racer. On several occasions I would have the privilege of joining them on a day long adventures through either sand pits, forests, fields, or quarries near my hometown of Kirkland, Quebec, Canada. The father would have one of us on his All Terrain Vehicle (ATV), while the other would blast away on their motocross. Just thinking of odors of those experiences: exhaust, dirt, wild flowers, brings a smile back to my face. I can even remember the first time I learned how to use a clutch, I was 7! The seed that was planted definitely took root, and as a graduation gift from university, I knew what I wanted; a street bike. It is true, with motorcycle riding comes increased risk. I am glad that the state of Florida requires, as of 2008, new motorcyclists to pass a comprehensive safety course, that includes both theoretical and practical examinations. I have learned that the key to success when riding, anywhere, is to keep constant vigilance to your environment. That means being alert at all times, because the more you can anticipate, the easier it will be to react. Another important tip is sobriety, as being under the influence of any substance hinders judgement and reaction time. There are many advantages to using a motorcycle, prime among them is efficient fuel economy. On average I spend $14 on premium gasoline a week. Another advantage is the climate in Florida, which enables one to ride year long. In general, I encourage people to try riding a motorcycle before they scratch if off their bucket list because at minimum it will increase awareness towards motorcycles.

You don't have to understand Italian to enjoy this clip!

The GOAT(greatest of all time) vs Lorenzo

1 comment:

  1. Dear Racer X,

    You may be onto something. Motorcycles are indeed fun and the adrenaline is exhilarating! To hold the throttle wide open until rational thinking loses traction is not for the faint of heart.

    However, Jacksonville is flat like the world before Mr. Columbus. As your collection of squared-off rear tires pile up, will you consider heading north for mountain trails as your suspension begs to be challenged?

    Also, would motocross be out of the question? I'd rather lose my life to a bone crushing jump than a teenage girl applying lip gloss while texting behind the wheel.

    In closing, I'm pleased to read you've obtained the proper license for riding a motorcycle. I've seen and heard about many new riders without it killed in avoidable accidents the course teaches to anticipate. Cheers on the decision to wear a helmet as well. While the helm law has been abolished for years, common sense should still be used.

    Easy Rider
