Free Play
Unfortunately, many people think of play as a luxury, not a necessity, so it often falls to the bottom. Schools make do with outdated equipment or none at all. The thinking is that kids are resilient, so they'll be fine in the end. This raises some key questions: Is play really necessary? And if so, what purpose does it serve for kids?
-Darell Hammond
Paper Prompt:
In the end, are we actually fine? With the obesity epidemic ballooning out of control, is it fair to extrapolate the assertion that it all comes out in the wash? For this research paper, you are charged with the task of analyzing the child obesity epidemic. What influential role does play, or a lack thereof, have on the increasing of waist sizes of youth in the U.S.A. Analyze the causation of obesity, and the direction it is headed towards.Create an argument based on your posturing towards the relationship between play and obesity.