Sunday, November 11, 2012

Up, Up & Away

Recess at l' École Saint-Rémi was always a much anticipated event. The school yard was expansive in landscape, and contained a wide variety of activities: a baseball diamond, tractor tires, dodge ball courts, basketball courts, champ courts, butts-up courts, a soccer field, a sand box, industrial sized swings and slides, a wooden bridge, and an a man made hill. The crème de la crème was a white box containing hockey sticks, that was rolled out at lunch time! My most found memory however, occurred on the kindergarten playground, a section quarantined by row of skinny trees. I suppose my older friends Matthieu and Karen regarded me as cannon fodder, because one day, while at after school day care, they had the wise idea of bending one of the trees backwards, mounting me and then launching! That was the idea, thankfully it didn't quite go as planned! I got snagged on the trunk, and was effectively dropped to the ground. The only serious damage was to the backside of my shorts...and underwear, that were almost completely torn off! A lot was learned that day, most importantly; just because someone is older than you, does not make them right! 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Dave,

    Cheers on the discovery of gravity, albeit a painful one. It sounds like the playgrounds in Canada were well equipped to ensure kids got the most out of recess. Is the obesity rate up there anything close to America's overweight society?


    P.S. It didn't take 30 minutes to for arguments to start after you left yesterday. To my surprise, no fights broke out.
